Celebrated Around the World 2023

PC: [@Vacclav/DepositPhotos]

Spring is a season of renewal and new beginnings, and people around the world celebrate the arrival of spring with a variety of festivals and events.

PC:[@Sergey Shmidt

15 Spring Festivals Around the World

PC: Kyle Hinkson

Photo Credit: [@phb.cz/DepositPhotos]

Las Fallas

Las Fallas is an annual festival celebrated in the city of Valencia, Spain. It is held in mid-March and is celebrated every day from March 1st to 19th, with the five main days from the 15th to the 19th.

PC: Marcelo


Celebrated in India and Nepal, Holi is a Hindu festival of colors. It usually occurs in late February or early March and marks the arrival of spring.

PC: John Thomas

Canadian Tulip Festival

This is an annual event held in Ottawa, Canada, to celebrate the gift of tulips from the Dutch to the Canadians after WWII.

PC: Anton Darius

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